03 July 2011

Mean Nurse = Lateral Violence, How Much Do You Score?

Copyright to it's respective owner
According to an article I've read there is a proper term for Mean Nurses, Lateral Violence.
Here are some of the exhibiting factors a Mean Nurses may poses, according to American Association of Critical-Care:

  1. Backstab and gossip
  2. Make belittling gestures (deliberate rolling of eyes, folding arms, staring straight ahead or “through” when communication is attempted)
  3. Use constant criticism, scapegoating, fault-finding
  4. Have an elitist attitudes regarding work area, education, experience
  5. Humiliate others
  6. Ignore, isolate, segregate and use the silent treatment
  7. Make inequitable assignments
  8. Have inflammatory angry outbursts, show impatience
  9. Insult, ridicule; patronize, or use condescending language or gestures
  10. Intimidate, threat
  11. Judge a person’s work unjustly or in an offending manner
  12. Make excessive demands
  13. Sabotage, undermine others
  14. Give unfair evaluations of work
  15. Use unwarranted criticism sarcasm
  16. Withhold information or support
Shocking stuff? It happens! How much do you score?
Oh, and before I end this blog post, actions must be done immediately to address this behavior:
  1. Address the behavior immediately with the perpetrator (because some people may not be aware of their behavior).
  2. Employ conflict management strategies such as saying “I feel … when you …”
  3. Repeat your replies if the other person makes excuses, denies, or dismisses the incident. If no positive result occurs, keep records of incidents and communicate these to your supervisor.
  4. Break the silence regarding this problem by identifying it clearly when it happens to you or others and by raising the issue at staff meetings.
  5. Inquire about how to deal with this problem at your workplace.
  6. Raise your own self-awareness of the problem by engaging in reflective practice; keep a journal, if incidents occur.
  7. Take care of yourself via, for example, massage, exercise, peer support, good nutrition, adequate sleep, and time out.

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